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Killer Tofu Records

Killer Tofu Records

168 Sales Ships from Bethlehem, PA

Returns and Exchanges

  • Killer Tofu Records does not allow returns.

  • Killer Tofu Records does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Of course! Just be aware and accepting that international shipping is a lot more expensive. Sorry! Storenvy bases their shipping on units rather than weight, which is how international shipping is calculated, so please feel free to e-mail me before at [email protected] for an accurate shipping quote.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    Everything is sent out media mail, so could take a week or so after the USPS is in possession. I ship next or same day 95% of the time, so probably within 3-7 days depending on what you order (unless something freaky comes up). If you would like First-Class or another form of shipping, reach out beforehand. For international orders, I have no idea how long it will take to get to you, but I ship in the same timeframe.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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