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Heike Artworks


Heike Artworks

Plymouth, FL

Mark G. Heike is best- known for his long association with AC Comics and especially his sexy girl artwork on the famous Femforce long running comic book. Mark was also a comic book freelancer, doing comic book art in the 80's and 90's for publishers like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, Big Entertainment, Chaos, Malibu, Top Cow and more, on features ...
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Heike Artworks

Plymouth, FL 11 Sales

Mark G. Heike is best- known for his long association with AC Comics and especially his sexy girl artwork on the famous Femforce long running comic book. Mark was also a comic book freelancer, doing comic book art in the 80's and 90's for publishers like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, Big Entertainment, Chaos, Malibu, Top Cow and more, on features like Star Trek, Star Wars, Xena, She-Hulk, X-Men, Mantra, Nexus, Lady Justice, Aliens vs. Predator, TMNT, Bad Kitty, Witchblade and many others.

Stephanie S. Heike is best known for her work in the 90's for Image's Big Bang Comics and her long time working on AC Comics 's Femforce, Garganta's Thrilling Science, and Gargantarama, Retro Comics and more.

She also has a creator owned series, 21st Centurions

Mark and Stephanie also have lots of other original pages and sketches, both published and unpublished, on a variety of characters- with "good girl art" for AC Comics a specialty.

Behind the Brand

Inspiration straight from the source


Mark and Stephanie Heike

Artistsat Heike Artworks

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  • Heike Artworks does not allow returns.

  • Heike Artworks does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Right now, International Canadian orders, yes we do! Overseas International shipping is not set-up automatically at this time because of the large size (11X17in or larger) of the original art pages. If you're an International Customer, email us before you order anything and we'll price shipping depending on size and weight of the item and current post office classifications to get you the best options.
  • Can I buy insurance for the original art?

    All items will be thoroughly packed. If insurance is desired, it must be specified and paid for by the buyer.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    We mail out every workday of the week on a daily basis. Orders will be shipped based on when they come in, (expect an extra handling day for postage and packaging ) Once shipped, most domestic USA orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. Canadian orders will take a little longer due to customs! Overseas International shipping is not set-up at this time. If you're an International Customer email us and we'll work it out!
  • Who Are the Heikes?

    Mark G. Heike is best- known for his long association with AC Comics and especially his sexy girl artwork on the famous Femforce long running comic book, as well as comic book art in the 80's and 90's for publishers like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, Big Entertainment, Chaos, Malibu, Top Cow and more, on features like Star Trek, Star Wars, Xena, She-Hulk, X-Men, Mantra, Nexus, Lady Justice, Aliens vs. Predator, TMNT, Bad Kitty, Witchblade and many others. Stephanie S. Heike is best known for her work in the 90's for Image's Big Bang Comics and her long time working on AC Comics 's Femforce, Garganta's Thrilling Science, and Gargantarama, Retro Comics and more She also has a creator owned series, 21st Centurions. She is currently working on Superbabes. Mark and Stephanie also have lots of other original pages and sketches, both published and unpublished, on a variety of characters- with "good girl art" for AC Comics a specialty.
  • is there any schedule or pattern as to what or when you're posting?

    I’m scanning it as I get to it. Sorry it’s so random. Some we don’t have artwork to (Bongo, Calgary Stampede) or sold quickly (various Star Wars series from Dark Horse.) Mark and I don't do many conventions at all (maybe one or two a year) and even then we don't have ALL the originals at the cons. What you’re seeing here are mostly pages we’ve never had for sale anywhere.
  • Any possibly allergic substances on your artwork?

    We have a cat and we eat peanuts. If you're allergic to cats and/or peanuts, we urge caution! (but our cat does not eat peanuts..) We don't know for certain about most of the freelance work, but I will mention if the art smells funny. One of the pencillers, Brad Gorby was definitely a smoker but we only have a few items of his work left.
  • I have a question, 'kay? But I'll email your husband at the office and annoy him about your shop instead of asking you..

    Um..yeah, whatevs, dude. Sure, you can annoy Mark and make his day just that much longer and and make the comic books that much later, but that isn't going to make prices any cheaper.

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