DeMartini Designs
Eureka, CA
Lately I've been interested in the space where flat elements of design intersect with sketching and painting. A drawing doesn't always have to show the character's surroundings to tell a story. There's a challenge and joy in finding what to capture, matching a design element, and leaving a space for the viewer to find the association with their own...
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DeMartini Designs
Eureka, CA 270 Sales
Lately I've been interested in the space where flat elements of design intersect with sketching and painting. A drawing doesn't always have to show the character's surroundings to tell a story. There's a challenge and joy in finding what to capture, matching a design element, and leaving a space for the viewer to find the association with their own experiences.
Inspiration straight from the source
"You've got to be passionate about what you make. People are drawn to other people's excitement."
Danielle DeMartini
Owner & Artistof DeMartini Designs
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