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Wan Chai, Hong Kong

We are committed to sourcing the most adorable and sought-after shoes at unbeatable prices. Our selection is carefully curated, featuring only the trendiest styles in demand. Explore our store at your leisure and uncover your perfect pair. Enjoy hassle-free payments with PayPal or credit card options available at checkout....
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Wan Chai, Hong Kong 564 Sales

We are committed to sourcing the most adorable and sought-after shoes at unbeatable prices. Our selection is carefully curated, featuring only the trendiest styles in demand. Explore our store at your leisure and uncover your perfect pair. Enjoy hassle-free payments with PayPal or credit card options available at checkout.

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Behind the Brand

Inspiration straight from the source

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Returns and Exchanges

  • KOSMUISHOE allows returns within 30 days.

  • KOSMUISHOE allows exchanges within 30 days.

Store FAQ

  • Payment method

    We support Paypal payment, If you need to pay by credit card, you can also complete your order by clicking PAYPAL to pay by credit card.
  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    We provide worldwide shipping to most areas in the world, however, due to security reasons, we can’t deliver to military zones. We also do not ship to South Africa and some countries in Latin America.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 10 and 30 business days.
  • Can I cancel my order after it has been shipped?

    Sorry after the order has been shipped we can no longer cancel your order. We do however offer a full refund if you wish to return your order.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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