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Teko Merch Shop

Teko Merch Shop

18 Sales Ships from Helendale, CA

More than Soap, Twitch Sponsorship merchant.


Returns and Exchanges

  • Teko Merch Shop does not allow returns.

  • Teko Merch Shop does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Why you don't allow exchanges nor returns?

    As an independent merchant it is within my mental state to avoid stress in any form, Sadly i don't do exchanges because it costs more energy and more money from the products in case i ran out of stock fo the product it will cost me triple to make it from scratch and more days to restock while i have tons of products that being made. I can't afford to hire either nor is my working space big enough for 2 people to work there either. And unfortunately this also means i don't do returns either because i almost went overdraft to almost going bankrupt the last time i did returns so don't expect me to do returns when i'm literally a very small business with too many things on my hands. I am Sorry but this business of mine is not your average and i would appreciate it if you respect all this, please and thank you.
  • If i file a complaint about your products, will i get a refund?

    No, no refund, no exchange, no returns. Especially on soap bars, soaps, shampoos and conditioners; It's unsanitary regardless. as for apparel i advised you didn't, if you destroy any of my products that's a YOU problem, if the soaps didn't make it while they are individually wrapped safely then you can make a complaint with the shipping company and not me. If you're a Karen then it's an absolute NO, i live in the state with the Caren Act where Karen's can get declined in any service to any complaints due to their entitlement and privilege's.
  • What happen to Spectrum Soaps Gift Shop?

    Due to complications and not that much of popularity i decided to change my shop from being a soap maker to sponsorship merchant instead, I can still make soaps for commissions to twitch streamer own soap brand to non-streaming platformer commissions that aren't Karens. But i decided to expand more than soap making especially drinkware, apparel, raveware, accessories and streamerware.
  • I see you adding new soap bars but it has the stuff you claim you add, what gives?

    So these are for people who don't have skin conditions from eczema and psoriasis even sensitive skin to reactive skin. These soaps are for people who have good skin regardless, i started a journey of where things should be equalized and diversed as a soap alchemist (it's just a title i like to nickname myself as)
  • Do you take PayPal?

    Whatever my Stripe allows or supports payment wise.
  • Streamer Soap? Also What's with the nicknames next to soaps?

    Yes twitch streamers get their very own soaps made by me. Each twitch streamer or their community pays full price of the collab commission to match their stream aesthetic, this is for 2 loaves prior. Those are twitch names from actual twitch streamers either regular streamers to affiliates and partners. They are the ones that either buy or have their community buy the soaps i commissioned for them. If their follower or subscriber or their VIP or Mod purchases these soaps to where there's no more of the soaps that grand total by 90% goes directly to the streamer as their payout.
  • What's raveware and streamerware?

    So raveware is technically what ravers wear from face masks, to special apparel that either has a highlight look when the lights reflects back in a contrast glow, to glow in the dark to neon. These work just as well at EDM carnivals. streamerware is basically apparel, accessories and streaming gear that's commissioned by vinyls as skins to create a aesthetic vibe based by streamers.
  • You add Honey to your Soaps!?

    Yes i do, it's nature's lather agent to me that i rather put in my soap recipes alone and i harvest my own honey based by where my honey bees are harvesting from either flower to fruit blossom. If you have a honey allergy i recommend asking me before you purchase via email for a honey substitute just know the honey substitutes are sugar based including simple syrups for a similar lather agent effect.
  • Why does your soaps looks like i would eat them?

    Well i guess i could blame myself for this, my main career is having to be a owner and head pastry chef for a tea pastry cafe. I personally make the soaps look like i own a bakery, taking on a new view of soap making i guess. But also i like to make soaps that don't look ordinary nor boring to look at when people in general who are patient enough to make their own look like them.
  • How long have you've been making soaps and where did you learn to?

    I learned in 2011, and after 4 years of learning i managed to make some at home and has never changed, working from home also meant that i won't risk myself with COVID best decision ever! In grand total to now it's been 12 years since i did soap making for people with skin conditions from sensitive, eczema to allergies and psoriasis. I learned from a community class from a occupational center.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    This varies from if i have the funds to pay the shipping rate fees from Pirate Ship. By far you do have to wait extra when it comes to shipping carriers.
  • What shipment company(s) do you use?

    UPS and USPS. I don't support FEDEX anymore. Anything from Pirate Ship website offers is all i can afford to pay the shipment on.
  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Storenvy ships international besides USA.
  • Do you buy your soap bases or do you make them from scratch? Also you mentioned synthetic, why you not add them?

    I make Melt & Pour/glycerin soap bases from scratch. Each recipe requires specific ingredients that is time well spent instead of time rushed. I prefer this method especially if i'm going to make soaps for skin conditions, allergies, and lifestyles (vegan, organic). I also make sure to use ingredients to mock preservatives without giving you synthetic preservatives that can affect your skin health. The process of making melt & pour/glycerin soap bases from scratch is the similarity to cold process the only difference is that there's added ingredients that is either an animal-based byproducts for natural, organic versions or a plant-based products for vegan, hypoallergenic versions. I'm a soap maker that makes cleansing soaps for skin conditions, allergy free and lifestyle benefits not a soap maker that puts chemicals that can cause eczema to flare up to itch til you bleed, sensitive skin/sensitive scalp to cause a dry rash to even an allergic reaction even remove natural oils your hair needs. I make soaps specifically for your skin and hair that needs benefits without wrecking them that's my purpose of being a different kind of soap maker.
  • I've noticed you added shampoo and conditioner into your shop, but the results don't look professionally done why is that?

    That's because i prefer artistic appeal, i will not use plastic pumping bottles or plastic squeeze bottles with a cap that is poorly made to make you buy more of the product, i rather give you less plastic but more product and no fuss of trying to get extras out.
  • Teko's Merch?

    If you're referring to my shop name yes it's an upgrade. But if it's referring to a new collection set up that's where my streamer merch is placed in between December or February 2024.
  • What's with the 100K soap bar(s)?

    In December 28th 2020 from December 28th 2019 is actually the whole year of how many soap bars i've been adding and making in a grand total, December is the month that somewhere along the line that i make the 100,000th soap bar ever, the loaves that soap is made will be sold 50% off the farmers market price. The 100K soap bar is a soap of the year goal FYI. This goal is already achieved but not sold whatsoever.
  • Wait you do sponsorships!?

    I do but it's only for Twitch, that's the whole thing i'm doing this as a secondary or backup payout system for twitch streamers. If you ask me to do sponsorships on Kick dot com i will decline, i don't support their payout plan while we're still in the middle of our economic inflation. Plus i only do payouts outside of Kick dot com for people who have a job outside of streaming for the time being. Maybe someday when my business grows better i might change my mind but only by selective streamers that i only know of.
  • Why don't you add any naturally based ingredients that the FDA approves?

    I don't trust that much on what FDA approves because they're paid by the pharmaceuticals and i prefer ingredients approved by the USDA because they're not paid by a corruptive system but also not tested by animals.
  • Why do you add carrier oils to your soaps? I can't have carrier oils because i have acne, can you do alternatives?

    Carrier oils plays 4 roles: 1. It helps to add moisture to the skin along with moisture retaining or moisture locked in benefits, some even allow new moisture in as well; while they are made to avoid dry skin, scalp, hair and possible damaged hair. 2. It's a key feature to use carrier oils when using essential oils into soaps, because essential oils are potent enough to cause skin irritation/inflammation, carrier oils dilutes the essential oils while the essential oils are there for the scent to skin benefits. 3. Carrier oils adds an extra benefit for people with eczema and psoriasis when it comes to nourishments to keeping the skin from being dry. 4. Some have potential SPF benefits. As for alternatives the closest things would be extracts to glycerin to even aloe vera or lightweight creams made out of water based ingredients just for acne. But keep in mind that any carrier oil alternatives cost more than the carrier oils themselves so expect the price of the soaps to be doubled the price of soaps with carrier oils.
  • Why do you add essential oils and extracts to your soaps?

    I rather give you the real oils from there natural sources, They all have different purposes but mostly exterior health benefits to internal health benefits (example: Sinus, mood, etc.) plus you get the actual smell of the source rather than the fragrance oils and natural fragrance oils. Extracts just has a more diluted benefits but gives off a pleasant smell to the soaps. Now keep in mind i do add more on the extracts because unlike essential oils, extracts are not as potent as the oils are because it's water based mostly.
  • Can you tell me what's the difference between essential oils, Natural fragrance oils and fragrance oils?

    Sure, Fragrance oils are lab made products where they are derived from synthetic ingredients to animal byproducts. Musk by example is actually a animal byproduct because it's extracted out of a goat's bodily fluids on the rear, the misguided essential oil version is actually originally called Ambrette Seed, it smells like Musk but is a plant-based essential oil source. Natural Fragrance oils are lab made, the only difference is they only have 8% of the natural source aka essential oil while the 92% is synthetic sources which still means it's not always 100% "natural" but more like sugarcoated to pretend it is natural when it is not. And lastly Essential oils is extracted either by an oil press or distilled in a distilling machine or pot from the actual ingredient source itself. Distillation process is like making a cup of hot tea except you're collecting the steam aka natural extract and essential oil by specific plants or ingredients that can process through distillation. Extracts are water based (not to be confused with food grade extracts that is considered fermentation instead of distillation because food grade extracts is more of the food based ingredient mixed with vodka.) Extracts if the steam process during distillation. And Spirits is a mixture of both essential oils and Extracts into one, sadly they do not mix well which is why spirits have glycerin added so they can mix together.
  • Can you make simple soaps? Also can they be unscented if i have asthma or bronchitus?

    No, If you wanted to i would suggest you could just buy melt and pour bases at craft stores and just add your carrier oil or two or none with your skincare creams and pour it into soap molds.
  • I see you changed your prices, are these permanent?

    not really, prices will vary during time between inflation in the economics division to products having the prices go up.
  • What's the difference between standard cut, THICC cut and THICCER cut?

    It's the thickness of the soap bars, standard cut is either half inch to three quarter inch cut. THICC cut is one inch cut and THICCER cut varies from one and a quarter inch thick to two inches thick. And sometimes it's also based by the size of the soap embed i add on top of them.
  • Why Resin Soap dishes? Aren't they plastic? Even though plastic ruins the ecosystem.

    So the Resin i use IS made out of plastic, it's the 24 hour long curing kind. It may affect the ecosystem but the whole point of going resin on the soap dishes is something you have to reconsidered; It's a stimulating therapy to people with mental disabilities and mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety but also ADHD and Autism just to name a few. Resin has its ups and downs but the whole purpose of resin soap dishes is, they don't deteriorate over time, they don't break nor crack when they are knocked over, fallen onto hard surfaced floors and you can add non-toxic non-radioactive glow in the dark pigment just in case you don't have a bathroom night light. But in 2024 i will be adding cement with resin for a more modern look to those who wanted that.
  • Why don't you add crystals or stones or special items as soap embeds or part of the soap project?

    Because my soaps are not made to be THAT fancy nor expensive either. Yes you heard me if i added what is suggested as a soap embed i will have to add extra number to the price of the soap bars because the items being used as a soap embed is COSTLY.
  • I buy popular factory soap brands cheaper than your soaps, why should i switch?

    Well technically popular brands like Irish Spring, Dove, Dial, Caress, Ivory, Lever 2000 and so forth are not soap bars, they are called synthetic bars or beauty bars due to large amounts of synthetic ingredients. The following ingredients: Sodium Lauroyl Isethionate, Sodium Tallowate or Sodium Palmitate, Sodium Isethionate, Sodium Stearate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Cocoate Sodium Palm Kernelate, Parfum, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Tetrasodium EDTA? Parfum is different word for perfume meaning it's a lab made synthetic fragrance acid not oil. Too much sodium ingredients in a bar is not considered best ingredients for your skins health yet is "labeled" as the softest to the skin. Sadly this is not the best for the skin because there is no balance for your oil glands in your pores to regenerate because the sodiums are considered an acid rather than oil, it may feel soft to you but overtime it pulls your oils out of your pores not as fast as detergents do. And unfortunately Sodium Lauroyl Isethionate is one of a few detergents known as a lather agent that has bad side effects to the skin including eczema to dry skin. Studying alternative medicine helped me a lot because we learned chemistry as well to have a break down of what these ingredients do for our skin, our oil, our body.
  • The apparels i see look fancy, what did you use to do this?

    I use my Cricut joy to do the cutting, and my CriCut easyPress Mini. But i actually use glow in the dark, holo, glitter, neon, iron-on/heat transfer vinyls. I also use color changing vinyls by temperatures like heat or cold on drinkware to accessories.
  • How long do you tend to keep this shop?

    Until i have my career irl, Right now it's staying until things change for me, my life and my journeys.
  • I love them smell of your soaps, i would keep your soaps out and not use it because of the smell. Is it okay that i do that or is there a expiration date on the smell?

    There is an expiration date on the smell, keep in mind my soap bars are not air fresheners, they aren't made to be air fresheners. If you wanted air fresheners i'm in the process of creating some in late 2024. Glycerin bases may amplify the smell but because of the fact that i'm using other fats and oils to make them into soaps the smell is mostly diluted and mixed. Now i tested how long the smell actually lasts for one of the soap bars, And by far it lasts 5 months, after that the soap lost its scent because i don't use it the bar to wash my hands with but use it as a air freshener and the soap started to crack and show signs of glycerin and oils removing themselves from the soap itself which looks like velvet but isn't pleasing both by appearance to you can't wash your hands at all so it becomes wasteful over time. And it's not my fault that you wasted a good cleansing sanitary skin caring product either.
  • I can buy soaps cheaper from Dr. Squatch, why should i buy your soaps instead of there's??

    Dr. Squatch has their very own ways of making their soaps but there's is not cold process, theirs is hot process meaning they make their soaps out of a crockpot method. Unfortunately i don't use natural fragrance oils like they do. In their labels that states essential oils, it's misleading when the ingredients don't state "essential oils" in the bars. They make their soaps using specific qualities that they define as "benefits" for your skin which can be misleading considering most of the ingredients is still not the healthiest choices in skin health. They pointed out vegetable glycerin is removed from their products however I use organic vegetable glycerin from bamboo and vegan glycerin derived from the Aloe plant which i extract through a oil press the old fashioned way is best in soap especially if you wanted your skin to feel like it needed that elasticity. Dr. Squatch doesn't know so much healthy resources that i feel like they're misinforming their products a lot without researching well. Not having those benefits but adding natural ingredients alone can put certain skin factors into question. Reminder though unlike Dr. Squatch I can edit the soaps you like with specific ingredients that you wanted based your skin type, your skin conditions, your skin's health, your skin's PH and so on. The key factor is that our skin isn't always about just cleaning it, but also how we treat it as well. When i make my soaps i do it so that a piece of soap is versatile to your skin, not limited because of price and such, Dr. Squatch may have their perks but how they make their soaps isn't really for the customer sadly, why else would they put certain ingredients that's not even good for a person with sensitive skin with eczema and also an allergy that can trigger it like fragrance oils for an example. Anything in the ingredients like Palm carrier oil as an example is not inclusively considered Organic when it's against the organic code for endangering the ecosystem in the Amazon rainforest. Also Coconut oil (is also not white, if it's white it's filtered with natural source removed, real coconut oil is dark tan, when solidified it's light tan colored) is meant for the body, not the face unless you're not caucasian. If your Caucasian, coconut oil isn't a useful oil whatsoever. Sea Salt hardens the soap which makes less lather/bubbles. Adding sand is a big no no into soap because it's heavy abrasive, ground walnut shells or ground almond shells is way better and less abrasive. And a gentle Abrasive is oats to ground oats.
  • Can i ask for a commission on drinkware, apparel, raveware, accessories and or streamerware?

    Now i know people expect me to say yes to this, and they're not wrong. I decided to do some or in this case selective. However, don't expect me to add extras unless you're willing to cough up $40 per item. Each item is costly and so does the products to make them turn the items into something else.

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