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Toxic Raver Party Favor

Toxic Raver Party Favor

221 Sales Ships from Edmonds, WA

We are a clothing and accessory brand featuring cyber, rave, kidcore, and kawaii fashion styles Check us out on instagram, facebook, and society6!


Returns and Exchanges

  • Toxic Raver Party Favor does not allow returns.

  • Toxic Raver Party Favor does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Yes! However, keep in mind that our standard international shipping does not include tracking information, and you'll have to select the shipping option which includes tracking if you would like it.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    For collars and jewelry, most items are shipped out within 2-5 days of purchase and take ~1 week to arrive within the US and ~2-3 weeks internationally. Clothing is made to order and is shipped directly from the supplier, it typically arrives within 4-6 weeks of the order being placed, this time can vary depending on demand and your location.
  • Where is my clothing order?

    It is likely still being processed and is either in the production phase or shipping phase, if you would like to know the current status or haven't received the item within 6 weeks, feel free to contact us and we can determine what the status of the item is.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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