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Cosmic Evil Toys

Cosmic Evil Toys

660 Sales Ships from Wichita, KS

Dr. Cos McEvil III started making toys in 1886 by the light of the blood moon. Union lepers create our toys from scratch in basements filled with preserves. Cocaine.


Returns and Exchanges

  • Cosmic Evil Toys does not allow returns.

  • Cosmic Evil Toys does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Def. Shipping is REALLY expensive so send us an email in advance and we can make sure your shipping charges are correct.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    We ship all orders within 5-7 business days after purchase via USPS with tracking and insurance. It can take up to a week to arrive, but usually it will arrive in 2-3 days.
  • What is this "service fee" thing?

    Store Envy adds a small fee onto your order. This goes directly to them, not us.
  • How is paper made?

    The man tree puts his penis...
  • Why does my figure look like _____?

    We make handmade, hand-distressed action figures and toys. There are going to be imperfections and what the hell, why are you buying this if you don't want that? Go to Wal-mart and buy perfect figures. I like rough and imperfect toys. Sometimes they are better looking; sometimes..not. It's art. I also like my toys to look played with some are soiled or rubbed or distressed, including the packaging. It's part of it. They will be creased, bent, torn, paint rubbing off, dirt, grime, blood, who knows all over these figures.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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