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Art of Ken Meyer Jr.


Art of Ken Meyer Jr.

Santa Ana, CA

I have been working as an artist for so many years, it's hard to believe I actually remember how it started! But, I do. I remember. I remember sitting in my grandmother's kitchen, surrounded by windows, looking out into the back yard. I remember sitting there, about 5 or 6 years old, tracing from comic books, carbon paper under the page I was tr...
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35654394 2224657160892745 1239677584833249280 o 6.13.27 pm

Art of Ken Meyer Jr.

Santa Ana, CA 1,063 Sales

I have been working as an artist for so many years, it's hard to believe I actually remember how it started! But, I do. I remember.

I remember sitting in my grandmother's kitchen, surrounded by windows, looking out into the back yard. I remember sitting there, about 5 or 6 years old, tracing from comic books, carbon paper under the page I was tracing. I remember later setting the paper beside the comic and drawing Thor, or Spider-Man, or a multitude of other characters. I remember wonderful creative artists like Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson, Barry Smith, Craig Russell, Michael Golden and many others. I remember making up my own characters, honing my knowledge of anatomy and other elements of what I needed to know, and continuing on my journey to become an "artist." I remember the thrill of being published in fanzines, or my letters of comment being published in the comics themselves.

I really thought I was going to be a comic artist, but my interests veered into the amazing commercial illustration of the 1970s and 1980s. I pored through the New York Society of Illustration annuals, trying to become good enough to make it into them one day. Though I haven't made it into that particular book so far, I have been in a similar sort of annual by the name of Spectrum, which collects the best fantasy and science fiction art each year.

For a long time, I had full time day jobs in the arts; in ad agencies, online gaming companies (Sony Online, where I worked on the popular game, Everquest), on military contracts (where I did a tail insignia for the Stealth Fighter, among other things), and for various other sorts of companies. All the while, I kept a freelance illustration business running in comics, role playing games and for other clients. These clients include The Savannah College of Art and Design, The American Cancer Society, the RAINN organization, Marvel Comics, Wizards of the Coast (Magic the Gathering), Bell Helmets and many more.

Nowadays, I am busy with commissions of all types; family/pet portraits, paintings of various celebrities, fantasy and horror work for various types of companies, altered Magic the Gathering cards, and all sorts of other things. Storenvy enables me to showcase many of my pieces in various forms such as original art, prints and various Magic the Gathering paraphernalia such as playmats, token cards, mousepads, etc. Also, please remember, you can commission virtually any piece of art you like, just contact me.

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Behind the Brand

Inspiration straight from the source

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"To quote a wise (if under-dressed) doctor; don't dream it, be it."

Ken Meyer Jr.

Owner/Artistat Art of Ken Meyer Jr.

35654394 2224657160892745 1239677584833249280 o 6.13.27 pm

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