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132 Sales Ships from Silver Spring, MD

Hey there! I'm Emily! I sell stickers, pins, posters, zines and hand-screenprinted T-shirts!


Returns and Exchanges

  • emiett does not allow returns.

  • emiett does not allow exchanges.

Store FAQ

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    I do, but please remember shipping will be much more expensive. I also am unable to give a tracking number for non-US orders.
  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks. I try to pack up and mail orders within a day or two of receiving them.
  • I'm on a deadline and I need my order NOW!

    If you are in the US and need quicker shipping, email me or let me know in your order. I will try to accommodate you, but will charge additional shipping if needed (via paypal). Please know that once an item is shipped it is out of my control how quickly it arrives.
  • How are your products packed for shipping?

    I ship shirts and sweatshirts in biodegradable bag mailers. I ship stickers and zines in cardboard flat mailers or envelopes. I ship pins in cardboard padded mailers. I add extra padding or protection when I think it's necessary.
  • Why are the shipping options for tracking and no tracking the same price?

    It's because there isn't actually a "no-tracking" option for some items. When a mailer gets big enough it automatically comes with tracking. Storenvy doesn't give me a way to NOT include those larger items so my solution is to put the same price.
  • My shipping is oddly expensive...

    Storenvy doesn't handle shipping optimally. It's possible you're being overcharged because of the selection of items you ordered. If your shipping is oddly high please email me at [email protected] and we'll work something out.

Contact This Store

Send a note directly to this store's support email address. The store will reply directly to you via email.

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