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9 color silkscreen. 44 copy 6th edition. All prints are printed by me and signed by me. There are previously 190 numbered copies over 5 small editions of this print which debuted in 2020. 40"H x 24"W. One of my largest prints, just under double the size of its little cousins, the Plant Sapien and Flower Sapien prints. An elaboration on one of Nick Cave's Sound Suits. This new edition now puts the number of these prints on the planet at around 230. That's my version of mass production. Designed and handprinted by Brian Chippendale, 2025. PS: because of the size of this print international shipping is expensive. You'll be charged $45 at checkout ($30 for Canada) but it's actually a bit more than that, i just feel bad making you pay it all cause its cccccccrazy

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?


How long will it take to receive my order?

I do everything from the design to the printing to the shipping all by myself so please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, but hopefully you'll get it sooner. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 to who knows how many weeks. It's crazy out there. Let me know you need your package in a hurry for a birthday or something like that !!! !!! i hate missing birthdays!

Are the prints signed by the artist ?

All prints are signed (and packaged and shipped) by the artist. Most prints are signed, dated and numbered on the front but a few dense prints are signed on the back. if you’d like to request that the print be signed on the front just send along a message