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SILENT SOUND SUITS (slight imperfections)

SILENT SOUND SUITS (slight imperfections)

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i have two of these left with slight imperfections. Didn't make it into the edition. 5 color silkscreen. 36"H x 26"W. Big one. I got some bigger screens so the prints are getting bigger. Numbered edition of 40. Just dig out the last 6 of these. Drawings from photos of Nick Cave's sound suits. Designed and printed by Brian Chippendale in 2018. PS: because of the size of this print international shipping is expensive. You'll be charged $45 at checkout ($30 for Canada) but it's actually a bit more than that, i just feel bad making you pay it all cause its cccccccrazy

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?


How long will it take to receive my order?

I do everything from the design to the printing to the shipping all by myself so please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery, but hopefully you'll get it sooner. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 to who knows how many weeks. It's crazy out there. Let me know you need your package in a hurry for a birthday or something like that !!! !!! i hate missing birthdays!

Are the prints signed by the artist ?

All prints are signed (and packaged and shipped) by the artist. Most prints are signed, dated and numbered on the front but a few dense prints are signed on the back. if you’d like to request that the print be signed on the front just send along a message