"Morning Glory" is an original one of a kind artwork. Heavenly Blue Morning Glory trumpet-shaped flowers bloom and die in a single day. In the Victorian meaning of flowers, morning glory flowers signify love, affection or mortality. In Chinese folklore, they represent a single day for lovers to meet. They also represent the month of September and 11th wedding anniversaries. This sculpture painting combines architectural elements and contemporary subject making it a timeless piece at home in a traditional or modern space. This set would make a lovely gift sure to be a treasured family heirloom.
It combines fresco, sculpture, molding techniques and materials science. After years of experimenting, I am satisfied with my custom recipe for this plaster mixture for its strength, color retention, surface texture, and relatively lightweight of about 3 lbs each panel. Wooden bars attached to the back makes hanging them super simple. Each piece is approx 8 inches wide and 29 inches long. Sold as a set only. Timeless Piece