"Peacock In Plaster" is an original one of a kind artwork. Peacock symbolism: Vision, Royalty, Spirituality, Awakening, Guidance, Protection, & Watchfulness. In Greco-Roman mythology, the Peacock tail has the "eyes" of the stars. In Hinduism, the Peacock is associated with Lakshmi who represents patience, kindness, and luck. To see a peacock is a positive sign for the future that brings luck and happiness. a lovely gift or a treasured family heirloom this timeless original art is sure to be enjoyed for many years.
It combines fresco, sculpture, molding techniques and materials science. After much experimenting, I am satisfied with my custom recipe for this plaster type mixture for its strength, color retention, surface texture, and relatively lightweight of about 6.5 lbs. Wooden bars attached to the back makes hanging super simple.
Height: 18 Inches; Width: 18 Inches; Depth: 2 Inches