Please use the notes section of the checkout page to let me know the email address you want your reading sent to, how your relationship is structured, the names of the people in it, and your choice of deck. The Fairytale Tarot is not available for this reading by default. If you would like a version of this reading using that deck, please contact me and I'll set up a custom listing for you, priced according to the complexity of the reading.
This reading is meant for existing relationships of 3 or more people, focusing on the underlying feelings of everyone involved. Prices are increased due to the readings getting significantly more complex for over three people, and the need to crawl around on the floor to lay the cards out, since I literally do not have a workspace big enough. (Yes, the floor will be cleaned before I do your reading on it, and I'll soon have a reading cloth large enough to lay out for the big readings.) Larger readings may require more than one deck, so if you want a reading for an exceptionally large polycule, please select a backup deck.
You'll get a PDF file emailed to you with a photo of your reading and my interpretations of each card, and of the bigger picture.
If you are an experienced tarot reader and/or spirit-worker who just needs a second opinion, you may choose to skip my interpretation and substitute your own, and pay a discounted rate. Just choose the "No Interpretation" options below.
Due to ongoing health issues on my part, it may take up to a week for you to get your reading, though I do my best to have them out in three days or less. If I see any delays coming up, I'll email you using the address you gave me and let you know.
I'm legally required to tell you readings are for entertainment purposes only, but if you get something useful out of this, whether through mystic forces or good old psychological pattern recognition, then I've done my job. I am not a doctor, lawyer, therapist, or stockbroker, and so my readings should not be construed as medical, legal, psychological, or financial advice.
This reading comes from Raven Kaldera's book, Pagan Polyamory.