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Foreign trade new autumn and winter Martin boots high with the Korean version of women boots

sold by kissprom

Foreign trade new autumn and winter Martin boots high with the Korean version of women boots
Foreign trade new autumn and winter Martin boots high with the Korean version of women boots-1
Foreign trade new autumn and winter Martin boots high with the Korean version of women boots-2
Foreign trade new autumn and winter Martin boots high with the Korean version of women boots-3
Foreign trade new autumn and winter Martin boots high with the Korean version of women boots-4

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Tube height: boots (10.5 cm) Waterproof: 3.5 cm Tube circumference: 35 cm Toe: round head With high: high heel (greater than 8cm) Heel shape: rough with With the closed way: the front lace Popular elements: waterproof platform Production process: Adhesive shoes Color Classification: Black. White. Brown