Want to stick to a budget and take control of your finances? This handmade cash envelope wallet is a great way to stay organized and on a track! (Great if you follow Dave Ramsey's Envelope system)
Cash Envelope Wallet [Made to Order]:: Allow 1 - 2 weeks for shipment
::Wallet Features::
6 - Envelopes (with plastic sleeve for labels)
4 - credit card slots
Checkbook pocket
Zipper pocket for change/large pocket
Closes with a secured snap
Embellished with Jeremiah 29:11
(zipper, thread, and scripture colors will vary and will coordinate with fabric)
Recommend spot clean or handwash/lay flat to dry. Wallet can be ironed on medium to release wrinkles.
© Chamel's Creations {shop} & Chamel Evans :: All designs, photos, and information.