"The Problem With Coffee" Print

sold by Stairwell Store

"The Problem With Coffee" Print

Customer feedback for this store 2 past orders · 0 customer ratings

"The Problem with Coffee" print is printed on high quality 11x14 paper. It's the perfect print for any cubicle wall or any coffee bar. Taken from this strip: http://stairwellonline.com/post/71952189994

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

Yes! Though TBH, people placing orders outside the US are likely to receive a better deal if they purchase through Amazon here: http://amzn.com/0615887813

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once shipped, usually the day after order, most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times, I'm told, may vary between 2 and 12 weeks but I am not 100% on that.

What is the difference between regular and Artist Editions on products?

The regular version of the product is just the product. An Artist Edition product is a signed, doodled, and optionally dedicated book by the creator of Stairwell.

Can I request a particular drawing in an Artist Edition product?

In most cases, no. You may request a dedication, for example: "Happy Birthday, Bill" or "To Bill" or something like that, but the doodle itself will be up the artist. All Artist Edition prints/books/etc will include a doodle of Norman's brain saying the dedication or some other phrase.

Are there other ways to buy a book?

You can buy books through me directly on this site, you can buy them from Amazon (http://amzn.com/0615887813) which I especially recommend for international orders, and you can buy them from me directly if you meet me at a convention.

Can I read or write a review for your book(s)?

I'd check out the Amazon listing for the book: http://amzn.com/0615887813

I am a local friend or family member of the author and want to buy a product! Should I order?

If you are one of my local friend or family members, I'd recommend just letting me know when you're around me some time and I'll get you your order minus the shipping/etc.