Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?
Yes! We are proud to ship worldwide. Please note that International customers are responsible for any duty/taxes charged on their package by their local customs.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Transit times and pricing:
First Class (3-5 days) —> FREE
Priority (2-3 days) —> $7
Express (1-2 days) —> $24
First Class International (7-14 days) —> $5
Priority International (6-10 days) —> $24
Express International (3-5 days) —> $42
First Class International (14-21 days) —> $10
Priority International (6-10 days) —> $34
Express International (3-5 days) —> $60
Can I wear these masks and tattoos over makeup?
Yes, the liquid adhesive will keep the mask attached to your skin, even over a full face of makeup! It's safe for all skin types and does not contain any dyes or fragrances.
Are the masks and tattoos reusable?
Yes. Each mask/tattoo comes with enough liquid adhesive for at least 10 applications. The lace can be hand washed and used over and over again. Instructions for application and care are included with the product.
Do you accept custom orders?
Yes! We love with working with customers, costume designers, and stylists to create the perfect custom piece for any occasion. For more information, email us at [email protected].