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Decades "Numbered" (State of Mind)

Decades "Numbered" (State of Mind)

Customer feedback for this store 1874 past orders · 80 customer ratings

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

These are ratings provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past. Ratings may not relate to this exact product.

From the confused and scattered cities that comprise the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex comes unconventional hardcore/punk outfit, Decades. Their debut EP, "Numbered," clocks in at roughly 25 minutes with six songs of melodic, distinct and thoughtful hardcore centered around introverted musings of identity crisis, mortal anxiety and social discontent. "Numbered" crosses more lines and covers a much wider array of emotion than your average EP ever attempts to.

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

Yes I do. Please email me first before placing your order. Shipping is pretty accurate on multiple items. If you are looking for a zine or one tape then please email first before ordering from overseas.

Shipping is unavoidable.

[email protected]

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.



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