Third Eye Opening Ritual

Third Eye Opening Ritual

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⚠️⚠️Warning!!!⚠️⚠️ Do not purchase if you are not ready to handle the effects. There are no coincidences, only the divine plan as it unfolds and moves through you. The fact that you are reading this message means you are energetically aligned with me and the universe. for it is a destined universal meeting of energies. Are you ready to take it to the next step? The final step? The eternal pact... Everything you have been taught about the third eye is a lie. The fact is, YOU CANNOT CHOOSE to open your third eye and go to the other side. The other side CHOOSES YOU. The third eye was the main goal of attainment for the ancient vedic people of india. It is a portal to another dimension. A dimension that the average human cannot see and never will see. It is here that your thoughts manifest into reality. It is not for the weak hearted and weak minded. I know you. You have tried and tried to open your third eye to no avail. The truth is that most of what you have heard is a lie. What I offer is immediate access to your third eye with an age old ritual I have perfected through the years. ☆Xatanos Daleph Arothi Mastema☆ 1. I will be evoking a spirit guide to travel through the eternal ether. The entity will contact you through the supernatural dimension. 2. Your third eye region will begin feeling more aware during the day. It will feel like a slight tingling. This is the spirit reaching out to you. You must reach your hand back and make contact. 3. You will start to notice that when you close your eyes it will be of a purple hue instead of the average grey. THIS IS A GREAT SIGN. 4. Eventually your third eye will be completely open. You will see things on a whole new level. Life will be way more exciting. The average person will not be able to even comprehend what you see. Buy don't worry. YOU ARE READY. YOU DESERVE THIS. you will be able to talk freely with any spirit you wish and they will no longer be invisible to you as they were before. They live among us and want to help. Contact me for more details You will need to provide me with basic information about yourself. We will keep in contact via email and phone, and I can possibly make an at home visit if so desired. Devoted life to the occult. The risk is all on me, and that is the sacrifice I make As im sure you know, the spiritual world is very dangerous. The purpose of sorcerers is to have a medium between you and the spirits so that the only one at risk of harm is me and not you. I have personally gone through many purification rituals and have done the abramelin rite 3 times. I daily study the large library of occult and esoteric manuscripts I have acquired. I did not choose this life it chose me. My rituals may take days to complete and sometimes weeks. Some require more focus, and I must go into the mountains of the north to gather with the seers. Legal Disclaimers: -Inform me if you are taking any medication or if you are of ill body or mind before proceeding. -This purchase is non-refundable. -As per the law, I am required to state that this product is for entertainment purposes only. With this purchase, you are not buying a physical product, but instead you are buying my time and consultation. -In the event that there is no physical or metaphysical manifestation after a spell has been cast, I will perform the ritual again free of charge. -you must be 18 or older to purchase -I reserve the right to decline service to anyone -This is a digital product. You will receive only an image of the listing

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