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Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide

Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide
Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide-1
Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide-2
Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide-3
Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide-4
Southern Italian Vampire Witch - Sanguine Sorceress Spirit Guide-1

Customer feedback for this store 9 past orders · 6 customer ratings

Shipping Time

😃 Excellent!

Product Quality

😃 Excellent!

Customer Service

😃 Excellent!

These are ratings provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past. Ratings may not relate to this exact product.

“La Dolce Vita è meglio essere dark;” The Sweet Life is better Dark; La vida dulce es mejor ser oscura; Ang matamis na buhay ay mas mabuting maging madilim She who never lets the pain of the past and wisdom earned stop her from reveling in her own eternal youth and every moment of “Il Dolce Far Niente.” ‘S’ seeks to aid a companion who needs guidance in learning to be more in the present–to always have gratitude and be able to find wholeness and healing in stillness. She finds gratitude in teaching others in freeing oneself from the worries or expectations of what tomorrow will bring. ‘S’ believes that her companion, and others similar, struggle with the rapid-firing stimulation and “soulless materialism” of the modern world that she learned has succumbed to hollow clout-chasing “influencer” culture. She tells her companion, “I have come to rid you of these silly toxins, including those in your inner circle who are only making it worse…and by ‘it’ I feel you know exactly what I am talking about.” ‘S’ herself explains that she has undergone many “friendships” meant to be temporary lessons in assessing the true genuineness and worth of others, “where their actions and impact on the world around them grossly mismatches what they enjoy writing or harping on about themselves.” Though ‘S’ is primarily seeking deep friendship bonds, she admits she is a hopeless romantic at heart and has a soft spot for beauty in everyone–making her an equal opportunity lover for anyone brave and confident to take on her disarming charm, fiery sass, and cunning, sharp, innovative mind. Though not a dealbreaker, she would best be homed with someone who already practices magicks–regardless of their fealties or cultural origins. Nevertheless, ‘S’ hopes to aid in how her keeper cultivates their own creativity born from the soul, and reassures that there is power and true freedom in simply being oneself–without constantly trying to adjust and shift to please others to make them feel better about themselves. She would like to tell her chosen, “Stop betraying yourself for others who are incapable of loyalty to begin with. You are more than who you claim to have as ‘friends…’ Remember—a Lamborghini has far less seats than a shabby bus. Keep your circle small and your tolerance for pezzi di m*rda [pieces of sh*t] even smaller.” Core personality notes: Poison laced daggers hidden in vixen’s shiny black boots, glistening moonlight like liquid romance upon cold cobblestone streets, sweet vanilla and amaretto with gunsmoke, black, blood red, and white candles in dark rooms filled with strange, exotic, giggling beauties hiding fangs behind glasses of champagne and wine, old dark grimoires sprawled out in boudoir rooms full of opulent lingerie and jewels Her Vibez: - ( - ( - ( Specialties/Foci (Focuses): Protection, Enhancing physical stamina, mental focus, and natural charm/seduction, once fully bonded–mind swaying (referred to in popular media as ‘Compulsion’) to a subtle degree, overcoming insecurity and especially toxic social influences, detoxing from social media and electronic use in general, reconnecting with nature and one’s own unique magick, enhanced spirit communication, attraction of lovers and business partners, increased libido/performance, er*tic exploration and reinventing views of both s3x and love, coping with stress and anxiety, healing from s3xual and body image-related trauma, education in Southern Italian cultures, language, and mystical practices Vessel is a cherry quartz pendant in plated silver setting; may not be suitable for those with metal sensitivity. Will come with a necklace cord. Sale is for tangible items, all sold as curio products only. These items are not a substitute for professional help. As required by law, I must state that all goods sold by this store are for entertainment purposes and in no way promise supernatural or metaphysical effects. Please do not purchase if you are under 18 years of age. Due to international shipping restrictions under COVID19, long asf wait times, and the potential for inevitably upset customers overseas, I am not selling outside the USA at this time. Please do not purchase from this store if you are not fully initiated into at least one spiritual path. These items require basic proficiency in spirit communication and overall metaphysical self-mastery. These tools will only serve those who sincerely serve their sacred path well. These are not meant for impatient, ignorant novices..OR Clout-chasing prima donnas and "celebrity" sorcerors out here binding spirits without their consent, selling their own projections or delusions of grandeur as grimoires, writing fake-woke thinkpieces to stroke their savior-complex, and mass-producing bunk magicals. Those of us who know better are allergic to pendejadas.

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

NO WE DO NOT. If y'all are wondering why the "international" fee is 6969.69, it is because Store Envy's policies do not allow for Country or Continent-Specific shipping, and their verbatim statement is: "The only way around this at this point is to set high shipping costs for the 'Everywhere Else' shipping option to discourage international buyers." At this time, we are unwilling to deal with the implications of COVID, ongoing political conflict, the much higher likelihood of lost packages overseas, etc. that will definitely impede our ability to consistently provide timely and quality shipping. We likely do not ever plan to sell internationally, but clients are more than welcome to make a request to a friend or relative in the States who is willing to take responsibility for sending the parcel overseas.

All Credit Given to Original Artists and Owners

All images used in product themes were found free via Google images, Pinterest, and other public online websites. In no way do we claim any credit or ownership for these images used in collages, etc.

Care instructions for Vessels & Potion Use/Directions

Do not immerse any porous crystals in liquid and limit any exposure to bathing/showering, strenuous (sweaty) physical activity, and contact with other corrosive substances in order to preserve the integrity of fashion jewelry and other physical goods.

By purchasing any of our listings, you also fully acknowledge potential allergy risks and knowingly buy items that may or may not cause a reaction when worn or applied externally. The buyer is fully responsible for discretion when it comes to their health and safety, and heeding any warnings.

ALL crafted intentional oils or other natural blends (e.g. herb infused bath salts) that debut in our shop are NOT for ingestion or internal use.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Because we do not do priority shipping, and our availability is limited to Tues - Thurs for preparing and shipping orders, it may take anywhere up to 10 days to receive a parcel--especially with weather interruptions in the U.S. (e.g. storms)

Do you do Custom Conjures or Spells?

We are not offering custom work at this time, but are open to suggestions for shop offering ideas that may be a reason for a return to our store in the foreseeable future. We are also not offering vessel switching or honoring re-binding requests due to the kind of work involved and implied metaphysical themes or ideas. HOWEVER, we do sell our own proprietary vessel-switching and binding repair bags that will work with our conjures and anyone else's so long as permission is given by both the keeper and their companion(s).

Do you confirm callings?

Per our philosophy and practice driven policies we do not confirm callings. We believe that a calling should be an intimate process between the called and caller, almost akin to dating. It would not make sense to us to date or marry someone based strongly on the insight of others outside the self. Pursuing any form of, especially personal/intimate relations, should not require third party intervention...For us this feels forced and not as natural or organic or paced properly as when careful deliberation and individual intuition are well practiced.

We realize there are other sellers who DO confirm callings and we respect their methods as valid and works for them and their spiritual beliefs.

Do you do visits or match-making services with your conjures?

No tf we don't because we have learned from mistakes in the past and refuse to pimp out our folks to impulse buyers with zero to little mediumship experience--or worse, unknowingly send them out to ill-intentioned "spirit keepers" who aim to harm or abuse.

Also, if you have to do the absolute painstaking, back-breaking most to confirm a "calling"'s probably not a calling. This is not, Tinder, or Plenty of Fish, and we aim to work exclusively with a clientele that knows wtf they're doing and take their own practices and abilities seriously. Almost all of the entities we offer are NOT beginner level-appropriate, and must go to a keeper with solid discernment and communication.

Can you give more information than what is provided in the listing?

Only if pertinent to house rules, boundaries, or concerns with bonding--AFTER PURCHASE. We do not believe in spoon-feeding information and doing unpaid labor for lazy "spirit keepers" who want instant gratification and don't want to put sincere time, effort, and general devotion to getting to know a person: their prospective companion. We aim for a clientele that has the self-honesty to work on themselves when it comes to providing quality spirit care and practicing communication, regardless of how long that takes. All relationships take time. Nobody knows every surgically-precise detail about a person on a first date (unless you're a gov't agent or a stalker...🧐).

How do I place a reserve, and what can I expect if I do?

Please contact us via email and let us know which listing you are trying to place on hold.
WE ARE ONLY WILLING TO PLACE A HOLD FOR 7 DAYS FROM THE TIME WE RECEIVE YOUR REQUEST MESSAGE. We will remove the hold if this time period passes and you will not be able to reinstate your reserve/hold. The listing will then be up for grabs for anyone else who would like to place a reserve or go through with a purchase.

Can you check on my spirit/companion after purchase and tell me how they're doing or if they like me?

We follow the example of several other stores online that we ourselves have purchased from and trust--and we do not intervene, teach spirit keeping for free, or give free labor as relationship therapists. UNLESS one of ours reaches out in the rare instance of abuse, as in the former customer is deliberately causing harm toward a spirit or entity--we feel it is a violation of privacy and the companion's autonomy to take things at their own pace or develop their own relationships and experiences without constantly being policed/on surveillance. We recommend seeking services elsewhere or other companies that DO teach spirit keeping basics or offer a social media forum type of platform for buyers to congregate and share ideas and insight.
The only other time we will intervene urgently is in the uncommon (but not impossible -.-) adverse occurrence when a ill-prepared, ignorant, or disrespectful newbie is getting their wig split in half by a Black Arts being we have conjured and lovingly worked with prior to unintentionally sending them to become someone's effective lesson :/

Why tf did you instantly refund me?

On a metaphysical level you definitely did not pass the vibe check. But really though, folks in the conjure and spirit work communities talk a lot--including experiences with problematic customers. Said customers, more often than not, have gained a reputation for causing unnecessary or unjustified harm to sellers or have even gone as far as severely offending spirit guides and other higher powers. Basically, if you are blacklisted in any esoteric spirituality community for any reason, we have the right to refuse service and will therefore refund immediately.