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Airbag #2

Airbag #2
Airbag #2-1
Airbag #2-2
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Airbag #2-4
Airbag #2-1

Customer feedback for this store 278 past orders · 7 customer ratings

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

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SECOND PRINTING Airbag is a one-man anthology with all-new material from Brian Canini. In a similar vein to comics like Blammo, Goiter, and Lose, Airbag features short stories of varying subject matters. With stories involving the ups and downs of a cartooning legend, a daughter discovering her dad after his passing, a trip to Cartoonist Hell, an alcoholic duck, and more... "Canini continues to ably demonstrate that he's found both his voice AND his stride, and that he knows what he's talking about when he says this is the best work of his career." - Ryan Carey (Four Color Apocalypse) "...comedy, despair and heartbreak (seriously, the first long story was devastating) all wrapped up into one bundle that still somehow works beautifully." - Kevin Bramer (Optical Sloth) Golden Age size (7.375 x 10.25) 44-page black and white comic with a color cover

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Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

We sure do!

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.