Purina dry dog food featuring Omega-3, fatty acids at optimized levels helps promote calm behavior when fed daily for 12 weeks.
Brain-supporting nutrients DHA, EPA, antioxidants, B Vitamins, and arginine encourage cognitive health.
Includes high-quality protein and chicken as the #1 ingredient for a high protein dog food for strong muscles.
Live probiotics for dogs and a highly digestible formula provide your dog digestive support.
Includes a blend of Omega-6 fatty acids and Vitamin. A to nourish skin and coat health.
Offer your dog a highly digestible complete and balanced dry dog food that promotes calm dog behavior by serving them Purina Pro Plan Adult Dog Food Calm & Balanced Chicken & Rice Formula. This high protein dog food recipe helps support strong muscles and features real chicken as the #1 ingredient. Each serving of this rice and chicken dog food includes optimized levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, from fish oil to encourage calm behavior in dogs when fed daily for 12 weeks, plus DHA, EPA, antioxidants, B-vitamins and arginine to promote cognitive health. For digestive and immune health, this formula is fortified with guaranteed live probiotics for dogs. Glucosamine for dogs is added to support joint health and mobility, while Omega-6 fatty acids nourish skin and coat health to keep them looking their best. Each bag of Purina dog food is manufactured and rigorously tested for quality and safety in Purina-owned U.S. facilities.
Item Number 361224
Weight 16 pounds
Lifestage Adult
Breed Size Small Breeds, Medium Breeds, Large Breeds
Food Form Dry Food
Special Diet High-Protein