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Korg Triton Kontakt Library - Virtual Instrument NKI VST Software

Korg Triton Kontakt Library - Virtual Instrument NKI VST Software
Korg Triton Kontakt Library - Virtual Instrument NKI VST Software-1
Korg Triton Kontakt Library - Virtual Instrument NKI VST Software-2

Customer feedback for this store 1002 past orders · 16 customer ratings

Shipping Time

😕 Not bad.

Product Quality

😕 Not bad.

Customer Service

😕 Not bad.

These are ratings provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past. Ratings may not relate to this exact product.

Korg Triton NKI Kontakt Instrument Compatibility: Windows & Mac Required: Native Instruments Kontakt Player Included: 50 .NKI Preset Files Size: 457 MB

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

We sure do!

How long will it take to receive my order?

24-48 hours to receive your digital download (sally faster)

How Do I Add My Library To Kontakt?

After the file has completed downloading. Extract the file and make sure that the contents appear just as they are in google drive. Next, extract the folder to your location of choice. Open Kontakt player, select "Files" located at the top left. Locate where you extracted the library. Open "Instrument" folder to browse presets within Kontakt.