We process and ship out orders within 48 hours of cleared payment. Jewelries ships within 24 hours.
Once shipped it will take 14 to 30 business days to reach the US normally if the Customs clearance is not slow. International shipping delivery times may vary worldwide.
We would like to remind you that when we ship packages, we do not have control over the speed of delivery or customs processing. Packages may arrive earlier, on time, or sometimes later than expected. Since these are international shipments, various factors such as peak seasons, customs delays, or transit conditions can impact delivery times.
However, it’s important to note that 95% of our packages do arrive on time or even earlier than expected. When you purchase from our store, you agree and accept these potential variations in delivery. While we cannot influence the speed of shipping, we are always available and happy to provide updates regarding your order.
Thank you for your understanding, and please feel free to reach out if you need to.