Mchanzo Prints

sold by BoissB

Mchanzo Prints
Mchanzo Prints-1
Mchanzo Prints-2

Customer feedback for this store 1509 past orders · 85 customer ratings

Shipping Time

😃 Excellent!

Product Quality

😃 Excellent!

Customer Service

😃 Excellent!

These are ratings provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past. Ratings may not relate to this exact product.

A5 print 300 grms

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

We sure do!

How long will it take to receive my order?

It depends on the Item, please check up the information provided on it's storenvy Page.

Should I get ordinary or certificate shipping?

Certificate shipping will provide a following number to track your items and make sure they arrive correctly.

Ordinary shipping is also save but it doesn't provide a tracking number. If the package is lost, help and support will be requested of the mail company, but there will be no refund.