Gorgon Gaze ink drawing - 9 x 12in

sold by Gerimi.net

Gorgon Gaze ink drawing - 9 x 12in
Gorgon Gaze ink drawing - 9 x 12in-1
Gorgon Gaze ink drawing - 9 x 12in-2
Gorgon Gaze ink drawing - 9 x 12in-3
Gorgon Gaze ink drawing - 9 x 12in-4

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Ink on bristol board - 9 x 12in. 11 x 14in Mat. For this one, I just wanted to capture a soulful ink portrait of a Gorgon. I can and probably will do several explorations in this vein. If you find this particular piece engaging, I hope you'll consider giving it a good home. Note - Shipping rates for original artwork is higher than books and prints due to extra protective packaging.

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