Width, in |
0.62 |
Length, in |
5 |
Height, in |
8 |
Blank pages offer limitless possibilities - be it a to-do list, novel draft, art sketch or just a doodles. Hardcover with wraparound high quality print to carry wherever one might go.
Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?
We sure do! Be advised that international orders may be subject to customs fees.
How long will it take to receive my order?
We take about 2-7 business days to create apparel products (t-shirts etc.) Then you should add shipping times on top of that.
Shipping time estimates:
3-5 business days via USPS
3-8 business days via FedEx SmartPost
1-3 business days via FedEx
5-10 business days without tracking
1-5 business days via FedEx
10-20 business days without tracking
1-5 business days via FedEx