5th Extravaganza DVD

sold by Olde Wrestling

5th Extravaganza DVD
5th Extravaganza DVD-1
5th Extravaganza DVD-2
5th Extravaganza DVD-3
5th Extravaganza DVD-4

Customer feedback for this store 1127 past orders · 35 customer ratings

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

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Huzzah! The 5th Extravaganza of Exhibitions may have just been our best event to date. Witness all the action in the comfort of your own parlor. Huzzah! FEATURING: World Championship of Professional Wrestling | 2 of 3 Falls Matthew Cross (c) vs. Judge Hugo Lexington Black --- Cymbal Monkey & Organ Grinder Colin vs. The Jollyville Jeepers --- Gregory Iron vs. Agent Dick J. Lahart --- Jock Samson & 'Burly' Bill Taylor vs. Bruno 'Baby Face' Moretti & Little Guido --- 8-Man Brouhaha Felino Blanco, Marion Fontaine, Inky Scoops & President Taft vs. Lobbying Legislators, Frisco & 'Big' Sue Jackson --- Gentleman Jervis vs. 'Old Timer' Jeff King --- And the Debut of Typhoid Mary

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We sure do! In fact, we encourage it.

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Orders may take up to 3-4 business days to fulfill before shipping. Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 4 business days to arrive after orders are packaged, depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.