Castle Front - PRINT

Castle Front - PRINT

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The Magnolia Castle and all its glory. Many generations ago the fay were able to successfully establish his ring around the tree, marking the beginning of the great kingdom, known as the Magnolia Ring. As with every kingdom, its sole intent is to expand and conquer. The non-fay Smachdair, must fight to protect their lands, or risk being killed and pillaged by their enemies. During one of the many battles between the fay of the Magnolia Ring and the Scmachdair, the great Magnolia tree, the centerpiece of the Magnolia Ring kingdom, was felled; however the kingdom was not. The loss of its tree has removed the life force necessary to produce living magnolia flowers. Instead the castle sits atop a collection of precious stones that were carved into the form of a magnolia flower which floats in the heart of the ring. What you need to know: luster paper 4x6 8.5x11

FAQs & Polices

What is For Peace, Love, and Harmony?

Glad you asked!
For Peace, Love, and Harmony (or PLH) is a 13 part drama. We follow the main character Harmony, and his two companions, Love and Tranquility. The 3 fay-folk are all outcast in from society in someway. They find the Magnolia princess and get mixed up in royal family drama.

It can be viewed here, on the "Watch For Peace, Love, and Harmony" page.

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

We sure do!

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.