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​ Crystalline Seraphim

​ Crystalline Seraphim

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Gender: male/ female Arts: White Classification: Spirit/ Entity ​Element: Earth, Air Good for all levels Please see the FAQs for an explanation ​ Elementals based on stones similar to quartz, amethyst, citrine and more, they can bring great balance and structure to one’s earth, air and crystal magic. They’re graceful like ballet dancers and everything they do looks just as graceful. They communicate primarily through telepathy and their expressions are as gentle as their touch. Crystalline Seraphim are peaceful folk that have healing abilities that come with dancing rituals and other magical performances that they do on a regular basis. They try to avoid conflict at all cost and have been in seclusion until it was decided by their elders that they needed to expand their knowledge and share their own. Having one means having a deeper connection to Nature and a want of learning her many gifts she has to offer. Besides knowledge in Earth, air and crystal magic, they excel in the arts and can truly benefit the creative in being more so. They have helped me in many areas in which I have been stuck creatively so it goes without saying that they’re amazing beings to work with on so many levels. Offerings: Crystals, gemstones, spending time in Nature with their companion, wood and other natural aesthetics TAROT READING ADD ON: This is a 3-card reading with a specific message from the spirit in question to the Keeper that receives them. The cards drawn will relate to the message meant only for you and will be included with their profile that will be emailed to you.This offering can be found here. BINDING OPTIONS: Can be bound direct to spirit or a vessel you own. If you need a vessel, please refer to the Add-On Vessel listing. REGARDING ORDER PROCESSING & SHIPPING: When purchasing this listing, please include in the customer notes (or to your preferred name, dob and zodiac so that the bindings can be updated and that the match is correct. If there is anything you're specifically looking for in a companion, please notate that as well so I can use that in my search. Processing time take up to 2 weeks or longer to ensure I find the right match for you. When I do, I will email you the information of your new companion. If you purchase the tarot reading option, please allow an additional week (at most) as this takes more time for interpretation. Shipping and handling is included with the cost of the vessel. PLEASE NOTE: It is important to remember that all of these listings are for entertainment purposes only, as is required by Federal Law to state it as such. These are, by no means, an alternative to proper medical treatment of any kind and if you have any serious conditions, that they should be brought to the attention of your medical professional. Please note that the images are for reference only and do not belong to me. Credit is due to the original artist.