These are ratings provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past. Ratings may not relate to this exact product.
Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?
Yes, I ship to everywhere in the world!
( If you have trouble finding your country in the checkout area, you may place an order directly through my email at )
What type of shipping you're using?
I ship from Mexico, and I use economy registered shipping.
That means if you're purchasing from another Country that's not Mexico:
• It's by ground inside Mexico and it needs to travel from my state to Mexico's customs. It takes around 1-2 weeks to arrive Mexico customs.
• It's by airmail once it's proccesed and revised on Mexico's customs. It takes around 2-7 days to take a flight and leave Mexico.
•You can track your order. I always give you a Tracking Number.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Orders will be dispatched once a week!
I usually go to the post office on Friday.
• Most domestic orders take 3 to 15 business days to arrive.
• International shipping delivery times may vary between 3 to 10 weeks.
We do not allow returns.
We do not allow exchanges.
Please contact me if you have any questions about your order.