Signature PRET*TY gold-dyed snakeskin bag

sold by PRET*TY

Signature PRET*TY gold-dyed snakeskin bag
Signature PRET*TY gold-dyed snakeskin bag-1
Signature PRET*TY gold-dyed snakeskin bag-2

Customer feedback for this store 2516 past orders · 49 customer ratings

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

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😃 Excellent!

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Our signature bag is gold, of course, for childhood cancer awareness. It is handmade from genuine snakeskin, dyed gold, with a riveted metal PRET*TY tag. The size of a change purse, this bag is perfect for the back pocket, or it can be used as an every day wallet to suit your inner minimalist. Measures 4.25" wide x 3" high 100% PROCEEDS FROM EVERY PRET*TY PRODUCT SOLD DIRECTLY BENEFITS THE TLC FOUNDATION FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER RESEARCH. Please allow 3-5 days to ship (we are a nonprofit agency with 100% volunteers fulfilling your orders).

FAQs & Polices

Who is Ty?

Ty Campbell was a beautiful, magnetic little boy who died of cancer just after his fifth birthday. He is the inspiration behind the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation for childhood cancer research. He is also the inspiration behind the PRET*TY store. He puts the "T-Y" in all things PRET*TY :)

How much money from my purchase really goes the the TLC Foundation?

Every single cent - minus the original costs. That means, if it cost the Foundation $5 to make a bracelet, and you purchased it for $10, the full $5 profit goes directly to the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation for childhood cancer research. Our organization is 100% volunteer-based. We do this for our kids, and we do this from our hearts. All for Ty.

How long will it take to receive my order?

We are 100% volunteer run in order to make sure every cent goes to the cause. Therefore, we appreciate your patience. We only fulfill orders on Tuesdays.

Once shipped, most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

We do! Thank you for your support from across the border and overseas!