Lavender Chocolate MeltAways

Lavender Chocolate MeltAways
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Do you have no time to relax? Have you ever taken a deep breath into a bunch of fresh lavender? Maybe you have, but how about a relaxing lavender experience with chocolate? Lavender, as you may be aware, has relaxing properties. It takes you away from your everyday stresses, calming your body and mind. However, you may think of lavender only in the context of bubble baths and lotions. You may not be aware that you can actually consume lavender, and it is delicious with chocolate. Once, we were at a show, sampling chocolate, and we gave white lavender chocolate to the people who wanted something elegant and relaxing and new. We told them to put the lavender chocolate on the palate and close their eyes for five seconds. They instantly relaxed, and described it as an unimaginable experience. When you are ready to experience white lavender chocolate, trust CocoArt. Our white calming lavender chocolate comes in elongated box shape 1.2″ by 1.5″ by .05″ high. Next time you need to relax, sit down with our lavender chocolate and a cup of tea and completely unwind. • Highest end artisan gourmet chocolates superb in essence of flavors. • • Freshness and Premium Quality are 100% Guaranteed. • • Kosher Certified, (Cholov Yisrael). Made in the USA. • During summer months, the chocolates are shipped with cooler packs to ensure chocolate arrival in perfect condition. • • Delicious Creamy and Velvety Chocolates. • • Perfect Gift and Treat for Every Occasion. • Our chocolates won the Pitch the Press- Golden Ticket Winner at the INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT and FOODSERSERVICE SHOW of NEW YORK. • We proudly won the best gourmet kosher food at the KOSHERFEST Show.

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Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.