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Metroland #3 by Ricky Miller, Julia Scheele, Bethan Mure

Metroland #3 by Ricky Miller, Julia Scheele, Bethan Mure
Metroland #3 by Ricky Miller, Julia Scheele, Bethan Mure-1
Metroland #3 by Ricky Miller, Julia Scheele, Bethan Mure-2
Metroland #3 by Ricky Miller, Julia Scheele, Bethan Mure-3
Metroland #3 by Ricky Miller, Julia Scheele, Bethan Mure-4

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The third issue of Miller and Scheele's twisting musical Sci-Fi series Metroland turns it’s attention to Kevin, the fixer, bodyguard and roadie of the band Electric Dreams. Kevin starts to investigate the disappearance of Jessica Hill and his discoveries take him to the mysterious record company, Skywalker Recordings, home of many of the greatest artists in the history of popular music. Meanwhile, Kathy lets the Five Years Cult in on her ability to see visions of the future and Stardust’s life takes a further turn for the worse. All this, plus a brilliant new extra Metroland strip about a neverending party, written and drawn by exciting new comics talent, Bethan Mure. "It's a great, great comic" - Richard Bruton, Forbidden Planet International "It’s one of my favourite books at the moment and has a uniquely individual feel. It's caught in a trance like weekend of music and existentialism. Miller plays with the concepts of time and experience" - Tony Esmond, Down the Tubes 32 color pages, 6.6 inches by 9.4 inches (168 by 239mm), saddle-stiched Published in London by Avery Hill Publishing You can download a PDF catalog of the complete set of Avery Hill comics available in the United States through Retrofit Comics

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Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.

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