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kingdom hearts charm strap

sold by rakatakat

kingdom hearts charm strap
kingdom hearts charm strap-1
kingdom hearts charm strap-2
kingdom hearts charm strap-3

Customer feedback for this store 214 past orders · 24 customer ratings

Shipping Time

😃 Excellent!

Product Quality

😃 Excellent!

Customer Service

😃 Excellent!

These are ratings provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past. Ratings may not relate to this exact product.

a cute lil... chain of memories!! HAAAAAaaaa im hilarious • 3 clear acrylic charms, 1 in. each • double-sided • comes with white braided lariat strap OR clear dust plug ***please specify phone strap OR dust plug at checkout!!!***

FAQs & Polices

Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

So far, only U.S. and Canada! Please contact for other countries and I'll do my best to accommodate you.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 10 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of your local postal service. International shipping delivery times may vary between 2 and 12 weeks.

I want a product of yours, but it's sold out!

That happens! I will do my best to gauge interest in products myself and restock them accordingly, but if you REALLY want me to restock something BAD, feel free to shoot me a message on my Tumblr and i'll consider it!