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Red Sunglasses Hand Painted Lace in Red White Blue July 4 Stars

sold by White Bear

Red Sunglasses Hand Painted Lace in Red White Blue July 4 Stars
Red Sunglasses Hand Painted Lace in Red White Blue July 4 Stars-1
Red Sunglasses Hand Painted Lace in Red White Blue July 4 Stars-2
Red Sunglasses Hand Painted Lace in Red White Blue July 4 Stars-3
Red Sunglasses Hand Painted Lace in Red White Blue July 4 Stars-4

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Hand painted lace by Lindsay of White Bear <3 Each piece is personally designed to create a one of a kind, unique gift for yourself or someone special! It's like receiving a little piece of wearable art. This item can be made into any color combination of your choice. READY FOR SUMMER? These hand painted red white and blue lace and red glasses are perfect for lounging buy a pool or attending a summer music festival! Just right for a July 4th BBQ! Even though there is lace over one eye, it is thin enough that it will not effect your vision! Lace can be made into any color combo you want and actual glasses too!