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We All Wish for Deadly Force by Leela Corman

We All Wish for Deadly Force by Leela Corman
We All Wish for Deadly Force by Leela Corman-1
We All Wish for Deadly Force by Leela Corman-2

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GET THIS COMIC as part of our 2016 subscription and get 11 other great comics too for only $75! 2016 subscription - 12 comics! Shortlisted for the 2017 Cartoonist Studio Prize A collection of short stories by Leela Corman, including devastating personal loss, teaching bellydancing classes, her family in World War II Poland, reports from an American bellydancer about life in post revolution Egypt, and more. Leela Corman is an illustrator, cartoonist, and Middle Eastern dancer who lives in Gainesville, Florida, with her husband Tom Hart and their daughter, Molly Rose. Her works include Flimflam, Queen’s Day (Alternative Books), Subway Series (Alternative Books), and Unterzakhn (Schocken/Pantheon). 88 color pages, 6x8.5 inches (152x216 mm), softcover perfect bound graphic novel Also available digitally Reviews: The Comics Alternative Comics Beat ComicsVerse Elmenreich Books Comics for Grownups High-Low Comics Debuted at Chicago Alternative Comics Expo on June 11

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