Speed Racer: Shootingstar Blueprint

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Speed Racer: Shootingstar Blueprint

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Racer X's Vehicle, The Shootingstar Blueprints. 24x36 in on paper. Limited Edition of 500 signed prints. I spent several years as creative director of Speed Racer and in that time I got to do some pretty amazing things. One of my favorite projects was to create a series of blueprints of the various cars from the animated show. Background details on the vehicles were gathered from careful study of the animated series, the original Tetsuo Yoshida Mach Go-Go-Go Manga, and select comic books. Only 500 signed and number copies of each blueprint were produced. The blueprints measured approximately 24x36 inches and were printed on thin paper intended to cause mild creases and folds to be better replicate feel and look of actual blueprints. Fun continuity note, this print features details background information from the animated series as well as various comic series about the background of Racer X, his training, and the design of his car.

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